Thursday, September 18, 2014

On a Jet Plane

My boy took me to the airport last night to pick up his Mama (not to be confused with Mom). I have to admit, I was kind of nervous about going there. With airport security the way it is now, I didn’t know what they’d think about me. But I didn’t have anything to worry about. Being bones and all, they saw right through me.

He Is Mine and I Am His.

This is my boy. We’ve been friends for as long as I can remember. Ok, that’s a lie. It’s been two weeks but it feels like a lifetime. He takes me everywhere. Shopping. Sporting events. Birthday parties. The library. McDonalds. You get the idea. I’m not sure what it is that makes him love me so much but you know what they say, love is blind! The thing I love most about my boy is his big heart. Its says a lot of a guy who can call a skeleton his “fwiend.” Sure, we get weird looks but we also get a lot of smiles and laughs and that’s one thing my boy loves - making people smile. 

Name: Skully ... Ocupation: Skeleton

Hi! I’m Skully and this is my first official selfie! I belong to a boy and we do everything together. I like long walks on the beach, eating Cheetos and sushi, playing with Legos and studying Greek mythology. Welcome to my blog! Cheers!